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Kscorpio Designs

(CK) Charkella Kendrick


Kscorpio Designs was started in May of 2013 Atlanta, Georgia. I wanted away for me to put my crazy love for vests, Bowties and neckties to some good use. So my first vest came together by me playing around the office. I took a vision that was in my heart and made it into a garment for me to wear. My next adventure led to me seeing fabric that was so different. That I wanted to make it into something I could wear, and not seen on everyone else.My inspiration to make my garments came from watching my father put his outfits together. Either while shopping or laying each piece out on the bed before getting,dressed for church. Everything was laid out shoes, socks, suit, tie, etc. He said he's to picture himself in the outfit to make it work for him. When getting dressed, it just has to feel right.

© 2013 by Beach Bling Swimwear,  All rights reserved

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